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Software Documentation

geoid-toolkit: Python tools for obtaining and working with static gravity field coefficients and calculating geoid heights [ http ]
Grounding-Zones: Tools for Estimating Grounding Zone Locations with data from NASA Polar Altimetry Missions [ http ]
IS2view: Interactive viewer for ICESat-2 ATL14/15 Gridded Land Ice Height Products [ http ]
model-harmonics: Python tools for obtaining and working with model synthetic spherical harmonic coefficients [ http ]
nsidc-earthdata: ftp-like program for searching NSIDC databases and retrieving NASA Operation IceBridge data [ http ]
pyTMD: Python-based tidal prediction software that reads OTIS, GOT and FES formatted tidal solutions for predicting ocean and load tides and IERS conventions for calculating radial pole tide displacements [ http | coverage ]
read-ATM1b-QFIT-binary: Python tools to read waveform and geolocated elevation data from the ESA CryoSat-2 mission [ http ]
read-cryosat-2: Python tools to read waveform and geolocated elevation data from the ESA CryoSat-2 mission [ http ]
gravity-toolkit: Python tools for working with spherical harmonic coefficients from the GRACE and GRACE Follow-On missions [ http ]
read-ICESat-2: Python tools to read elevation data from the NASA ICESat-2 mission [ http ]
SMBcorr: Python-based tools for correcting altimetry data for surface mass balance and firn processes [ http ]
spatial-interpolators: Python-based software for spatially interpolating data over Cartesian and spherical grids [ http ]
Spire-GNSS: Python tools for obtaining and working with elevation data from Spire GNSS grazing angle altimetry [ http ]
YAPC: Python version of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center YAPC ("Yet Another Photon Classifier") Program [ http ]